What is Arm Lift Surgery?
Arm Lift Surgery is an aesthetic operation performed to remove thickening and sagging in the upper part of the arm. Depending on weight gain and aging, an increase in fat tissue and excess skin may occur in the upper part of the arm. In some patients, only excess skin is seen, while the increase in fat tissue in the arm can be seen together with the weight of the arm and excess skin.
The surgical correction of the bat wing image formed on the arm due to the stretching of the skin is called Arm Lifting. It is especially needed after treatments that cause rapid weight loss, such as sleeve gastrectomy. If the sagging in the arms cannot be corrected with exercise, surgery is decided.
Why does the arm sag?
The causes of arm sagging vary from person to person. In general, rapid weight gain and loss, sedentary life, advancing age, unbalanced and irregular nutrition and genetically sagging arm in the family.
How is Arm Lift Surgery Performed?
If the patient has an increase in fat tissue in the arm with excess skin, Arm Lift Surgery can be combined with Liposuction. With liposuction, the fat tissue accumulated in the arm is removed and the excess skin is removed using an elliptical incision that starts from the armpit and extends to the inner area of the elbow.
In this way, both the arm is thinned and the excess skin is removed. With the removal of excess fat in the arm, the weight of the arm decreases, and accordingly, the tension on the suture lines is reduced, which allows the wound to heal faster. Since the incision on the arm is located in the inner and back region of the arm, it is relatively less common.
It is possible to get rid of the fat in this area and tighten the arm with liposuction, especially in young patients who do not have much skin and have good skin quality and only complain of lubrication in the arm.

Recovery Process After Arm Lift Surgery
Complete recovery after surgery occurs after about 6 weeks. Immediately after the operation, the arm is wrapped with a bandage. This bandage remains for at least 1 day to prevent edema. Afterwards, the patient should use an arm corset to reduce edema in the arm area. A drain is inserted to ensure fluid accumulation and bleeding control during surgery. Drains are removed on discharge from the hospital. It is recommended to wear the arm corset for 6 weeks.
What are the Risks and Potential Side Effects of Arm Lift Surgery?
Possible side effects of this operation are infection, numbness in the arm and bleeding. Installed drains and bandages prevent the risk of bleeding. The drain is an important factor, especially for monitoring bleeding. If the amount of blood measured is high, it indicates a complication.
Arm numbness is seen as an effect of anesthesia. Although the swelling goes away, the arm may be numb and the movements may be limited. However, the probability of this risk is very low. The most common side effects are infection and wound healing problems. Healing is more difficult, especially in areas extending to the armpits, due to moistening. Antibiotics are prescribed after surgery. As long as this antibiotic is used regularly, the possibility of infection is reduced.

Does Arm Sagging Fix With Exercise?
Sagging noticed in the early period can be corrected with the right exercise and diet program. However, unfortunately, exercise is not enough for people who have problems in hormone metabolism, who are older and who have a high fat ratio.
When Will I See the Results of Arm Lift Surgery?
At least 2 months must pass for the arm shape to fully develop. Since there are bruises and edemas in the first 4 weeks, the shape of the arm is not clearly evident. At the end of the first month, the edema goes down. It should be waited for 2 months for the bruising and all swelling to disappear.
Am I Suitable for Arm Lift Surgery?
People whose skin is not collected as a result of long-term diet and heavy exercises, men and women whose skin has lost its elasticity due to aging, those who lose a lot of weight after sleeve gastrectomy and people whose general health is suitable for the operation can have this surgery. wanting to have surgery
What Should Be Considered After Arm Lift Surgery?
We recommend our patients to use an arm corset for up to 6 weeks after arm lift surgeries. After the surgery, our patients can return to their normal lives within 1 week. Patients can start cardio exercises 10 days after the surgery. Exercise movements that require the use of arms can be performed 6 weeks after the operation.
Is There Any Scar After Arm Lift Surgery?
The incisions made for the operation remain in the armpit or in the inner part of the arm. The most important issue in aesthetic operations is the absence of scars, however, scars remain in arm lift surgeries. You can ask your doctor for advice for effective wound care after Arm Lift surgery.
If I Gain and Lose Weight, Will the Arm Sagging Again?
The results of the operation are successful and highly permanent. However, with severe weight gain and loss, the arm may sag again.